How to Join Kids of Note
Kids of Note and the Notations perform with Saskatoon’s vocal jazz ensemble, Solstice, Spring 2018
At any time of the year your child may join our waiting list (see below). Current members have until May 31 each year to decide if they will continue in the Fall. Therefore, we begin registering new members in early June.
Please email Brenda Baker, Director, indicating your child’s interest in joining. Brenda will let you know if there is a place immediately available or not. If there isn’t a place then you may choose to add your child’s name to the waiting list.
If there is a place, please double-check that your chorister can be available for the required rehearsal and performance dates found on the registration form, which Brenda will email to you. Fill out the form and follow the form’s submission instructions.
The fee must be paid in order for us to hold your child’s place until September.
Waiting List
Typically we have 15 to 25 children on our waiting list. However, children are not invited to join on a first come, first served basis. Because our goal is to keep the choir evenly split between those with and without disabilities, the waiting lists are separate.
Another goal is to keep the choir balanced as evenly as possible between three age groups: 7 to 9, 10 to 12, and 13 and up. Within each age group, children are invited to join the choir in the order they joined the list.
Children on the list for more than a year may be bumped from one age group to another as they grow older. This can be advantageous if there are fewer children in the older age group than there were in their original age group.
Children may join the list as soon as they are 5 years old. They will be on the list for at least two years before being considered for an invitation to join, but all that time they will be moving up in the 7 to 9-year-old waiting list. This is an advantage!
So, we never really know from year to year exactly how the waiting list will shake down once all the criteria are taken into consideration. And then there are people who, by the time they get the call, have moved on to other kinds of activities and choose to drop off our list. All things considered, what might at first look like a long wait for a child to join, can suddenly be an offer that comes within a year or two, if not right away!
The Notations are in the process of growing the choir, so there is no waiting list.
For more information about registration, please email our Kids of Note Director, Brenda Baker.