Gifts in Kind
If you’d like to know more about how you or your business can help Kids of Note, please check out the Donate page.
Kids of Note wishes to thank these people, organizations and businesses for their ongoing and very important support through their gifts in kind:
Grosvenor Park United Church
since our start in 2005 the church has provided free space and use of music instruments and sound equipment for all rehearsals and shows
individual congregation members have supported us through work on the Advisory Committee (now Board of Directors), donations, baking at receptions, welcoming people at our concerts, and spreading the word about our activities
GPUC has a long history of providing opportunities and programs for the disabled and since 2009 has been an Affirming Ministry
Mister Print
since 2007 Mister Print (owned by Printwest) has printed all of our posters at no charge
Ian Thayer – graphic designer
since 2006 Ian has provided us with all of our terrific posters as a gift to Kids of Note
in early 2010 Ian designed the Kids of Note logo, and later he created the logo for The Notations
Derek Mah – web developer
while Derek didn’t create our site as a gift in kind, we certainly appreciate that he gave us a terrific deal on his time and has provided, and is providing, lots of extra help and support — we want to thank him for creating such a wonderful site for Kids of Note! (For the second time!)
George Charpentier - acg photo
since 2014 George has taken all our photos for our posters, concerts and special events, just out of the goodness of his heart — we are SO grateful!